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Justin: Army Special Forces Medic

Justin, Project Shrapnel


1. Branch? Where were deployed? MOS?

I served in the US Army Special Forces as a medical sergeant, deploying twice to Afghanistan.

2. Why did you join the military?

I wanted to do my part for my country. My family places a high value on service, broadly speaking. We have long tradition of military service, but we also have family members who contributed in other ways like the Peace Corps or through helping the school districts in the underserved areas of town.

3. What are is your most proud achievement while serving?

Contributing to the mission as an effective team member. Basically, being there for my guys when they needed me, and raising their effectiveness through cross training.

4. What if is your favorite memory from your combat tour?

The team workouts. I have yet to experience the level of camaraderie that our team had, and I'm fortunate to have been a part.

5. If you could go back in time and visit yourself just before you joined or left for the battlefield, what would you tell yourself?

Trust yourself, trust your training.

6. How has this experience made you a better person?

All the stereotypical military tropes, more disciplined, organized, goal-oriented, effective as a part of a team. But there are some aspects that I didn't expect, like finding the commonalities in people regardless of their background.

7. What are you most thankful for?

Meeting amazing humans. From training to my team time, I was surrounded by people who were better than me in some way, and pushed me to become a better version of myself.

8. What is an obstacle you had to overcome and how did you do it?

Overthinking. I had to consistently remind myself to engage in the present and perform, with the help of my teammates.

9. What if any is your Shrapnel? (wounds, emotional or physical) you still live with?

I was lucky, I went through these experiences and emerged in one piece. Some of my friends did not. I'm currently endeavoring to embark on a career that could potentially help heal them and people of similar experiences.

10. What should the world know about you or other Combat Veterans?

Some of us use to and still do listen to Kesha when working out.

11. Tell us something about yourself they people might not know. (passion, talent, special skill)

My favorite pop artist is Kesha.

12. What else would you like to say to the world or other veterans?

Reach out and call that buddy you served with.

13. What are your career goals or career now? Any other groups or organizations you are involved with?

My goals are to enter medicine, heal those around me, and those far away who don't have anyone.

Call/text or fill out the form below to schedule your shoot

-Brett Nelson (559) 281-7896

Project Shrapnel
4644 W. Jennifer Ave. #102,
Fresno, CA 93722

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